- This website now runs on Eleventy! It took me several days to convert all my posts into Markdown and clean them up — shout out to wordpress-export-to-markdown by Will Boyd — but now it’s done and I’ll never have to do it again. Markdown is as close to a universal format as you can get.
- I’ve been trying to get through The Kingdom of Gods — the final part of N.K. Jemisin’s Inheritance trilogy — for about two weeks, but it has failed to capture me in the way that the first two books in the series did. I can see the ambition behind the book, but it feels less focused compared to The Hundred Thousand Kindgoms and The Broken Kingdoms. Or maybe it’s just me? In any case, I only have a hundred pages to go before the end and I can’t wait to see how Jemisin wraps everything up. The world she has created is unlike any other I’ve experienced in fantasy before.
- Anyone who truly knows me knows that I can’t use Git without Magit. In fact, I run Emacs alongside my usual text editor/IDE just so I can use Magit. But I don’t need to do that anymore because Kristian Andersen Hole recently released edamagit, a Magit implementation that runs inside Visual Studio Code. In the week or so that I’ve been using it, I’ve noticed no issues and no differences from the real thing. If you’re looking for a better way to Git, I can wholeheartedly recommend this plugin.
- I’ve fallen behind on exercise. The longest distance I’ve walked in the last two months is from my couch to my bed to my computer chair. No wonder I can’t sleep well. Gearing up to once again start Ring Fit Adventure on Monday. Wish me luck!
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