Week of 13 April, 2020

  • The cats have stopped fighting! Minor squabbles still break out once or twice a day, but for the most part they’ve settled into an uneasy truce.
  • Found a contract for the next six weeks. It’s not a Rust gig as I had hoped, but it involves some heavyweight data visualization in the browser that will call for a lot of cleverness. I expect to enjoy this thoroughly.
  • Eating a lot of cheese this week. No regrets.
  • Working through Crafting Interpreters at a decent pace, though I could probably be going faster. Instead of just translating the Java code in the book, I’m trying to write idiomatic Rust as far as possible. This takes longer and makes my design totally different from what’s in the book, but I’m learning far more this way. I’ve also added a few additional features to my implementation, like proper line editing in the REPL using rustyline.
  • My fitness trainer now has an online lesson plan, so I’m back to working out. Feels good to be doing something with this bag of meat.
  • Still irritated at how much pointless detail that Gandhi book has. But I’m going to get through this thing one way or another.
  • Still playing Radiant Historia and Into the Breach, still loving the hell out of both games.
  • Album highlight of the week is Cha Cha Palace by Angelica Garcia.


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