Author: Ankur Sethi

  • Darkest Dungeon

    I never thought I’d be moved to tears by a review for a video game I haven’t even played, yet here we are. Nathan Grayson’s review for Darkest Dungeon touches on issues of burnout and overwork that I’ve struggled with throughout my twenties. Darkest Dungeon is a turn-based RPG with an interesting mechanic: as you…

  • Reading List For 2020

    On this page you’ll find my reading list for the year 2020. This list is aspirational, which means I might not be able to get through every book I’ve listed here. Most of these are also pretty heavy reads in terms of subject matter, so I’ll certainly be taking breaks from them to dip into…

  • Week 11: Side-projects, Hobbies, and Obsession

    Welcome to 2019, everyone! If we all close our eyes and wish really really really hard, this year might be less of a dumpster fire than the last one. The astute reader will ask why I haven’t posted anything for more than two weeks. One part of the answer, dear reader, is that I just…

  • Week 8: Going Home

    The great thing about the weeknote format is that you can make your note as long or short as you want. I’m keeping it short today, with just a few important life updates. 2018 has been a tough year for me. My mental health is at an all-time low, so I’ve decided to take a…

  • Week 7: Melancholy, and Taking a Break

    I’m in one of my Moods™. All my brain wants to do is scroll through Instagram looking at pictures of beautiful skinny perfect people wearing beautiful expensive perfect sneakers. On weekends, I can’t even summon up the motivation leave my blanket, let alone do normal functional adult things. I’ve had to put in a Herculean…

  • Week 6: Mac and Cheese, Sore Throat, and Deep Roots

    I’m writing this from Chennai. I’m here for the second time this year for a Visa appointment. It’s all very scary and stressful and dehumanizing and I just want it to end already. I have many opinions about traveling internationally as an Indian citizen, but if I start writing them down they’ll take up this…

  • Week 4: Snow Pigeons, Finding Peace, and Building an Audience

    I survived Siberia! After my talk last Sunday, I had two days in Novosibirsk to spend as I pleased before my flight back to Delhi. I spent those days walking around the city center, reading, and writing. The temperature fell to -13°C while I was there, so I had to keep ducking into random cafes…

  • Week 3: Siberian Winter, Public Speaking, and Recognizing What I’m Bad At

    Hello from Novosibirsk, Siberia! The temperature outside is -9°C, the streets are covered in fresh white snow, and I’m sipping hot chocolate at a cafe near the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. I came here to speak about Rust and WebAssembly at DevFest Siberia 2018, and I’m staying here for a few extra days so…

  • Week 2: Going to Siberia, Why Weeknotes, and Being a Jerk

    I’m writing this from Delhi, where I’m visiting my family for a few days before I leave for Russia to attend DevFest Siberia 2018 as a speaker. My talk is about using Rust and WebAssembly to draw fractals in the browser. I’m really excited, not just because Rust is amazing and WebAssembly is amazing and…

  • Week 1: Health, Getting New Business, and Hip-Hop

    I recently discovered Weeknotes and now I’m compelled to try writing them myself. The idea of reflecting and thinking out loud in public is fascinating. I’ve been sick a lot this year. My current bout of sickness started when I came down with a bad cough that lasted three weeks. After I got better, I…